12 Days of Kindness graphic

Community funding has always been something very close to our hearts here at Red Kite. We’re passionate about making sure the money we have set aside for funding goes to groups that truly benefit our community.

So, this year, as well as offering our usual Springboard and Starting Blocks funding, we’ve created Red Kite’s 12 Days of Kindness to give smaller community groups a chance to receive a helping hand.

Each weekday from Monday 4th December to Tuesday 19th December, we’ll be offering local community groups and charities the chance to win a £100 voucher. This could go towards a project, help to fund Christmas celebrations, or buy some much-needed day-to-day supplies – whatever would help the most!

So, are you involved in a group that supports a community within the Wycombe district and do you fancy winning a handy voucher? Then get involved next week!

All you need to do is keep an eye out for our daily posts (on Facebook, X (Twitter) and Instagram) - the easiest way to do this is to follow/like our page - and comment on the post, telling us the name of the organisation you’d like to see win the voucher – we’d also love to know how the money will be spent.

We’re really keen to support groups we haven’t previously helped - this could be a sports team, scout or guide group, mother and baby, or lunch club – as long as the group is recognised within the community it’ll be considered. If you know of any that could benefit from a financial boost, name them in comments so they’re ready to enter!

Set your alarms for 8am on Monday to start commenting - entries will be open until 3pm and the winner will be announced before 5pm.

Don’t worry if you miss a day or don’t get the prize on the first day you enter, keep trying! You can enter as many days as you’d like; but you can only win once!

And remember, you’ve got to be in it to win it!