We've previously received applications for a Christmas Carol service, a Jubilee party, and many other events, all helping to bring our community together.

Does your event need a licence or Temporary Event Notice (TEN)? Please check with your local council before applying:
- Buckinghamshire Council - Check if your event needs a licence
- South Oxfordshire District Council - Our guide to organising an event
Application form
If you would like permission to hold an event on our land you'll need to fill in this application form at least three months in advance so we can ensure that the space is suitable for your needs, your event meets our criteria, and that we're following all the correct procedures to keep you and others safe.
Important: Before submitting your application please contact our Estates Manager to make sure the date and venue you want to use is available and suitable for the type of event you are proposing.
Please note: You may need to check with Buckinghamshire Council that essential maintenance to pipes/cables is not planned for the same time as your event, as we have no control over this activity.
Once you've submitted your application, our team will review the details and be in touch.