The Red Kite office was full of chatter on Thursday 7th December, as we held another one of our Networking Breakfasts. Bringing together organisations we've helped through our community funding and tenant volunteers from our Springboard Panel - Ron, Ajmal, Graham and Val alongside our chair of RRT (Resident Representative Team) Candida.

Guests chatting at a Networking Breakfast

The event is a great chance for organisations to mingle and find out how they can help each other. It's always so great to see connections being formed right in front of our eyes.

First up, we had the pleasure of hearing from Paul from Action4Youth, telling us about all the great work they do - which is a lot! 

Paul presenting at the Networking Breakfast

Then we heard from Michael, from Odyssey Marital Arts/Gods of War, who runs LEAP (life experience education programme), alongside his sister, Suzie. A programme all about inspiring and educating young people and helping them to take risks safely.

Michael presenting at the Networking Breakfast

Nahida, who helped organise and run the event said,

“We had 22 local organisations attend today’s networking event, 12 of which are new organisations that attended for the first time. 

"It was inspiring to hear about the great work that is happening locally and how we can work together to support the people who live in our communities. New connections were made and I’m looking forward to hearing about the outcomes from the conversations that took place.”

Anthea from Mediation Bucks, who attended the event as a guest added,

“Thank you, Red Kite for organising a space where we can meet like-minded people. Please keep these going, they are so important to local organisations and small charities as we rarely get to meet face to face. I look forward to the next one!”

Find out more about the community funding we offer.