Environmental Improvement Group
We have a dedicated fund that is available to spend on neighbourhood and environmental improvements. Since the creation of our Environmental Improvement Group (EIG), we've been able to use this funding to make a difference to the places where our tenants live. We've helped invest in playgrounds, community projects, communal spaces and more.
The EIG is made up of our tenants, leaseholders and our staff who meet every eight weeks for an hour to discuss and vote on funding applications. If you'd like to apply for funding for a project that will help improve your local neighbourhood, please see our advice and application form below.
What is an improvement?
A neighbourhood or environmental improvement is something which improves the quality of life for our tenants, as well as the local community. Examples include:
- Enhancing green spaces and natural habitats
- Enhanced landscaping features around homes
- Investment in community projects
- Environmental and sustainable improvements.
How it works
- Someone comes up with an idea to improve the neighbourhood or local environment, discusses the idea with their neighbours, and submits an application
- If it's approved, the group takes the idea and instructs the relevant teams at Red Kite to scope it, source the contractors, and supervise the work
- Please note: The EIG can only consider applications for improvements on Red Kite land. If you are not sure if the land belongs to Red Kite, please contact us on 01494 476 100.
Before applying please be aware:
We know that there are many fantastic projects and areas that need our support and want to make sure we allocate our funding across a range of sites and communities. Therefore, applications will be judged on individual merit, and we’ll prioritise projects that:
- We anticipate will have the most significant positive impact on our tenants and communities
- Present a positive environmental impact
- Do not duplicate the work of existing projects or sites which have received funding in the past 12 months
- Support sites or geographic areas that have not already received much of our grant funding in that financial year or historically.
It's often the case that we will receive more applications than the fund can support. We will feed back to all applicants but please be aware that applications may be refused without a detailed reason for the decision being provided.
How to apply
Applications for the 2024/25 financial year have now closed as the budget has been spent - we will be welcoming new applications from April 2025 onwards.
To apply you need to complete the EIG application form. Before you do this you should:
- Have a chat with one of our community specialists to hear what they think about the suggestion and whether it fits with the long term investment priorities for the community. Give us a call and ask to speak to one of them.
- Think about the practicalities – is it something that will really improve your neighbourhood? Do you think it really is feasible? Would it be cost effective?
- Contact other tenants, leaseholders and members of the community to see if they support your suggestion. We have created this form to help you collect some responses.
Projects from 2024/25
What we've done so far
Over the years, we've completed a wide range of projects to improve the places where our tenants live.
Holmers Farm planting project
This was a project spanning from October to November 2024 – with the help of some amazing volunteers we planted 10,000 bulbs in Holmers Farm Way, Cressex!

Lubbe & Sons mass planting
On Monday 21st October 2024, we had the pleasure of watching family business Lubbe & Sons at work with their fascinating mass bulb-planting machine. The team came down to our site at Foxes Piece in Marlow to plant a variety of bulbs whose flowering season will span from February to June.

Baines House wellbeing garden
Our wellbeing garden at Baines House was completed at the beginning of October 2024, thanks to the amazing efforts of Chiltern Rangers.
Following their last summer session at the end of September, we've now got raised planters with garlic, onions, potatoes, strawberries, and raspberries. There's a native hedgerow with blackthorn, guelder rose, English maple, and hawthorn, plus three native dwarf fruit trees, English bluebells, crocuses, and a wildflower strip. Bird boxes for blue tits and robins, a compost bin, an outside tap, and some lovely artwork by Decreate complete the garden.
We can’t forget to give a huge shoutout to the group of year 5 pupils and DofE participants who volunteered their time and energy.

Linchfield Wildlife and Environmental Improvement Project
This project was completed in September 2024 and aimed to invigorate the area at the rear of Linchfield by planting and attracting more wildlife. The area looked neglected, with large, high brick walls, litter thrown into planters, and weeds growing. The project involved local artist Dan Wilson, tenants from our homes on Linchfield, and children from nearby Hannah Ball School. They planted woodland bulbs, fruit trees, raspberry and currant bushes, herbs, and wildflowers, and constructed and installed hedgehog houses and birdboxes.
Find out more and have a look at the pictures of the transformation, by reading our two news stories:

New bins for Imbies residents
On Wednesday 31st July, our Estates team embarked on a 'bin drop' mission in the Imbies estate, delivering bins to around 40 homes and providing a year's supply of bin bags donated by Buckinghamshire Council to every household.

A garden makeover at Brooke Furmston Place
The tenants at Brooke Furmston Place successfully secured funding from the Environmental Improvement Group to enhance a shaded area in their communal gardens. They were granted up to £500 for plants and containers and in June 2024 had some help planting them all from volunteers and members of staff.

Litter picking
Using EIG funding we secured litter pickers which the estates team regularly use to blitz our communities, have a look at these stories to see how we’ve been getting on.
- Another community clean-up - 21st March 2024
- Listening to our tenants and tidying up our estate - 29th February 2024
- Cleaning up our estates - 24th August 2023

The importance of tenant involvement

"I really enjoy volunteering in EIG, I’ve learnt so much and met so many new people. I love that we’re able to help our community, and really enjoy being a part of a tenant-led organisation. If you care about your community, join us – we’d love to have you on board!"
Volunteer with us
If you'd like to join EIG, take a look at our volunteering pages for more information and how to get involved.