Keens Close After Refurbishment
15 December 2021

Refurb project seeing great results

Category: Refurbishment

Three homes have now been completed in our project to refurbish 29 of our BISF homes - with six more due to be completed before Christmas.

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Lane End Improvement
14 May 2019

Lane End improvement work

Category: Refurbishment

You may have noticed a lot of work going on to Red Kite Housing Association homes in Lane End over the last year, so we thought we would explain what has been going on!

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Great Work Ebenezer House
15 June 2016

Great work at Ebenezer House

Category: Refurbishment

We've recently finished some great works at Ebenezer House, transforming the building for everyone who lives there.

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150 Homes
14 April 2014

More than 150 homes in Wycombe district set for renovation

Category: Refurbishment

More than 150 homes are set for renovation to bring them into the 21st century.

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