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Starting Blocks

Starting Blocks Logo

Our Starting Blocks fund exists to help those who need money quickly; throughout the year, Starting Blocks grants (£2,000 or under) are able to be quickly granted via an internal panel consisting of the Community Investment Specialist and tenant volunteers from our e-Panel.

How can I spend the money?

Examples of how you can spend the money you receive include but are not limited to:

  • A fish-and-chip supper or a trip out for sheltered scheme tenants
  • Community meals
  • Over 50s exercise group.

Application process

Application process

  • Application round is always open
  • Submit application form
  • Applications are reviewed internally
  • Applications circulated to e-Panel
  • Decision communicated to applicant.

Before applying please be aware:

  • Applications will only be considered from individuals or projects based in an area where Red Kite Community Housing operates. If you wish to deliver a project in another location, we will not be able to progress your application
  • Applications must provide a clear breakdown of how the requested funds will be spent, with due consideration of value for money in all costings
  • Red Kite sheltered scheme and grassroots projects are particularly encouraged to apply for funding
  • Applicants who have received Starting Blocks funding cannot apply for any further funding from either stream within a 12-month period of funding being granted.

Examples of successful applications

  • Christmas meal – hot Christmas meals delivered to the elderly, vulnerable, and isolated on Christmas day
  • Community café: supporting them to promote local musicians
  • Booker Common: equipment for litter picking, bush and shrub clearance.

Applications will not be considered in the following circumstances:

  • Incomplete applications or applications that do not clearly explain what the project or activity is. All applications must include a detailed project plan and budget.
  • Projects where beneficiaries are connected to Red Kite Community Housing employees or Board Members when this has not been declared first.
  • Projects that may bring reputational risk to Red Kite Community Housing.
  • Applicants who are in serious breach of their Red Kite Group tenancy agreement or lease, or display conduct which is damaging to the association.
  • Previous funding recipients who have outstanding feedback to submit. Please get in touch with the Resident and Community Engagement Team via if you are not sure whether this applies to you.
  • Red Kite funding cannot be used to support any party political activities or activities promoting a religious or political belief.
  • The fund will not support gaps created in local Government funded services but will consider applications to support new community projects delivered by key partners that are now or have previously been recipients of local government funding.
  • Red Kite Community Housing funding gaps or individual home improvements to a Red Kite or private home.
  • Projects that Red Kite tenants would not be able to access or participate in. When considering accessibility, we also consider whether a project is realistically affordable, the location and the timings.
  • Projects that intentionally exclude individuals on the grounds of a protected characteristic.
  • Grant funding is not able to support events after they have already concluded.

  • Starting Blocks can only award grants up to a maximum value of £2,000.
  • Grant funding will be allocated based on the potential for positive impact to realise potential in our communities. Decisions are made by Red Kite staff and tenants.
  • Funding requests for projects that are enterprise-based must benefit the wider community or be from a Red Kite tenant.
  • Funding will only be allocated on the basis that feedback will be provided on the impact and outcomes from the activity.
  • Recipients of grants must contact Red Kite immediately once they become aware of a reason why the funded project or activity will not be able to go ahead as planned. In this situation Red Kite may require funds to be returned, or agree for them to be put towards a different project.
  • Please be aware that we're not usually able to pay grants directly into an individual's personal bank account. For businesses or community projects you'll need to provide details of a bank account that is in the name of your project, business or organisation.
  • Please note that all payments will be made via BACS transfer and can take up to 28 days to show in the account.

We will not be able to make payment until we have received the following:

  • Your fully completed and signed funding agreement.
  • A photograph of a bank statement showing the same account name, account number, sort code and address as your funding agreement and application.

Applications will be judged on individual merit, but we'll prioritise projects that:

  • We anticipate will have the most significant positive impact on our tenants and communities.
  • Do not duplicate the work of existing projects.
  • Support a demographic that has not already received much of our grant funding in that financial year, or historically - for example, children, young people, adults, families or older people.
  • Support a geographic area that has not received much of our grant funding in that financial year, or historically.

It's often the case that we will receive more applications than the fund can support. Please be aware that applications may be refused without a detailed reason for the decision being provided.

Payment of grant

Any grant money awarded should be claimed by the recipient immediately. In the exceptional circumstance that a grant is not paid directly to the applicant, the total funds agreed should be claimed within the same financial year that they are approved. The financial year runs from 1st April to 30th March.

In cases where funds cannot be released until a condition is met, for example if we are providing only a portion of the full project costs and the recipient needs to secure the remaining funds from additional sources before receiving our grant, the grant total should be claimed by the end of the financial year.