This week our Community team embarked on an exciting venture at our Linchfield site, accompanied by the remarkable Chiltern Rangers. Their mission was to transform yet another one of our estates.
As soon as they set foot on the site, the team rolled up their sleeves and got to work. But as fate would have it, the heavens decided to open and the rain poured down! Undeterred by the weather, our dedicated volunteers persevered, pushing through the downpour to get the job done.

This first session focused on installing large bespoke art panels on the walls, and digging out the planters, filling them with compost, and replanting with fruit trees and currant bushes.

This project was made possible through funding from our Environmental Improvement Group. We can't wait to see the end result in a few weeks time!
Look out for more updates on the project on our Facebook page.
Want to join in next time?
The work will continue on 26th and 28th March, come along if you fancy it!