Here at Red Kite we're firmly committed to meeting the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code, so we were both pleased and proud to learn that the Housing Ombudsman is now using us as an example of good practice in the social housing sector.

After receiving a 'no maladministration' determination earlier this year on a case raised by one of our tenants, we've been highlighted on the Housing Ombudsman's YouTube channel as an example of good landlord practice.

Our approach to complaint handling practice follows the Housing Ombudsman’s Dispute Resolution Principles. These are:

  • Be fair – treat people fairly and follow fair processes
  • Put things right
  • Learn from outcomes.

As the Housing Ombudsman's website says, "Although the three principles are simple, applying them effectively means having the right culture, process and behaviours", which makes their decision to spotlight our handling of this case even more meaningful.