We're Supporting ASB Awareness Week

Red Kite is supporting a national campaign to tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB) and keep people safe.

Running from 18th to 22nd July, ASB Awareness Week 2022 aims to encourage communities to take a stand against ASB and highlight the actions that can be taken by those experiencing it.

Organised by Resolve, the UK’s leading ASB and community safety organisation, the week of action brings together people and organisations from across the country to take a stand and work together to make communities safer.

Recent YouGov research commissioned by Resolve found that more than half of people (56%) believe that ‘more needs to be done’ to tackle ASB in their community. However, after they witnessed or experienced ASB, a similar proportion of the public (57%) said that they did not report it to anyone.

Here at Red Kite, we're urging our tenants not to suffer in silence if they experience ASB. Incidents can be reported to our antisocial behaviour team, or to the police if people feel that they are at immediate risk or in danger.

Commenting, Red Kite's Senior Antisocial Behaviour Specialist said:

"Antisocial behaviour can have a significant negative impact on our communities we're determined and focused on tackling these problems.

"To do this we have nurtured and continue to develop very close and mutually beneficial relationships with key partners such as Thames Valley Police, Buckinghamshire Council and specialist support agencies or charities.

"We believe that this is the most effective way to tackle deep rooted problems and hence really make a difference to our communities."

Councillor Steve Bowles, Cabinet Member for Communities, Buckinghamshire Council commented:

"Buckinghamshire Council greatly values its relationship with Red Kite and other local Registered Social Landlords. Our ability and willingness to work in partnership to effectively use our shared knowledge and experience has consistently been a positive influence for individuals and communities impacted by antisocial behaviour."

Rebecca Bryant OBE, Chief Executive of Resolve added:

"ASB is not low-level crime. It can have a long-lasting impact on the lives of victims and communities and can be a precursor to more serious crime.

"It is important that the challenge of ASB continues to be given the priority it needs so that people everywhere feel safe in their homes and communities."