We’ve been working in partnership with Thames Valley Police for several months to tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB) at a problem flat in High Wycombe. Residents were reporting ongoing disturbances that they believed were linked to drug dealing.

In September 2019 Thames Valley Police made arrests and found evidence of criminal activity, including drug misuse, and they applied a closure order to the property which remained in place for three months. However the ASB continued, with the police making frequent visits to the property.
We had tried to engage with the tenant and had made support referrals, but were left with no alternative than to apply for possession of the property due to the impact of the ASB on the residents and the serious breaches of the tenancy.
Due to Covid-19, all possession hearings were postponed for several months causing a considerable delay to proceedings.
We then learned that the tenant intended to move out and stay with a friend, so swift action was taken to support the tenant with ending their tenancy.
Reports from residents were received that the property was still being used for illegal purposes by individuals associated with the tenant, so we worked closely with Thames Valley Police to have the property cleared and secured to prevent any further ASB, and make the neighbourhood a safer place to live.
You can find out more about our ASB work here.