Wycombe Mind has successfully secured funding from our Springboard fund to pay for a new project that will help people with hoarding issues.

The Free Space project has been set up to help tenants with decluttering, reorganising and hoarding which can have a major impact on residents’ quality of life.

This project will also provide mental health and wellbeing support to residents.

Katie Wall, Head of Brand and Communications, said:

“We are really excited to be working with Wycombe Mind.

“Hoarding is recognised as a mental health issue and by helping our residents to address this we hope to be able to improve their lives. At the same time we are also reducing fire, health & safety and safeguarding risks and improving the condition of our homes.

“Our Community Team have already started working with Wycombe Mind to understand the support the charity will offer our residents and how we can work in partnership to address this condition that is having a detrimental effect on their lives.”

The project - which will run for the next 12 months - offers both practical and emotional support for residents.

Julia Wassell, Chief Executive of Wycombe Mind, said:

“We are delighted to be working in partnership with Red Kite and their Community Team.

“The news of the Springboard grant just before Christmas was very welcome. It means that we can now continue the work we have been doing for some years with decluttering and hoarding for people with mental health issues.

“Previously we were helping just a few people; now we will be able to work with up to 50 Red Kite residents and fund sessional workers to assist.”

If you are one of our tenants and you need support please get in touch for a referral to Wycombe Mind.