You may have noticed a lot of work going on to our homes in Lane End over the last year, so we thought we would explain what has been going on!

Since Red Kite started we have invested millions of pounds making improvements to customer's homes; kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, roofs, boiler, external decorations and many more upgrades.

Lane End improvements poster

This programme of investment continues and in 2018 work started on a £1.25 million programme of extensive repair to 65 homes in Lane End, including replacing windows, doors and cladding.

This work is now nearing completion with some dramatic results seen by residents.

Mr and Mrs Wright, who have lived in Hobbs Road, Lane End, for 52 year were one of the first to have their home refurbished.

Mrs Hobbs said:

"The best thing has been the work to the insulation, it has made a huge difference to us. The house stays warmer and we don't need to have the heating on for so long. We are hoping this will means our bills are reduced."

Veronica Smith of Sandage Road, Lane End, agrees that her home is warmer. She is also really pleased with how her home looks too. She said:

"The house now looks brilliant. My children want me to move closer to them, but why would I move? I have a lovely home with new windows, doors and cladding. I'm not going anywhere!"

Peter Griffiths, who has been project managing the improvement programme for Red Kite adds:

"This has been a huge project for us and we are really pleased with the end results. Feedback has been positive from local residents and we are delighted to hear that people are happy with how their homes look and also that they are already seeing the benefits of the improved insulation.

"We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this work and for the Lane End community for being patient while it has been carried out."

Tenants and leaseholders have an important role in making sure Red Kite remains truly tenant-led through everything it does.