News & Blogs

Disparity in how we approach gas safety
These days, gas safety is a subject that we all prioritise - but are we doing enough?

Lights, Camera, Infographic, Action
Reports, strategies, policies and procedures... they're not the most inspiring documents, but they serve a purpose, and a very important one.

There's more to housing than homes
Recently, you may have heard various commentators talk about a sustained attack on social housing, as though we are a singular business model...

Releasing the potential in your people...
Creativity is something we look for, but it has often proved difficult to find.

Saying thank you to our volunteers
On 25th January our Engagement and Volunteering team held a 'thank you' event for the volunteers of Red Kite for all the hard work they put into 2015.

Job vacancy: Ambassador for customer needs and social purpose
With the housing world looking suddenly very different, there is a fundamental need to represent the people who will be most affected by the looming changes.