Give us your feedback

Your feedback is what helps us to be the best housing association we can be.

Feedback can come in the form of a complaint, compliment or general comment – but whatever it is that you want to tell us, we're here to listen and do something about it. By giving us positive feedback, you let us know where we're performing well and giving you a good service.

When you tell us about something that hasn't gone well, or didn't meet your expectations, we use that information to improve our services and do our best to make sure it doesn't happen a second time.

"From the off you've been nothing but really helpful and consistent. We know we're being listened to and someone is dealing with this. We feel we have a voice. It's a relief and we know you'll call us back when you say you will."

Our feedback process

Your compliments and comments help us to improve our services going forward. If you have any positive feedback for us, we'd love to hear it, so we can do more of the same in the future.

We understand that sometimes things don't work out and you need to let us know when that happens. To help you understand how we manage your complaint, we have put together this guide so that you know what to expect when you report a complaint. For your information, we don't treat things like reporting a repair or antisocial behaviour as a complaint - you will only go through the steps shown here when you're letting us know that you feel we've let you down.

You can make a complaint to us in writing by post or email, in person, via our webchat, on our website, or through one of our social media pages. If you would like someone to act on your behalf when making a complaint please let us know that you are giving them authority to act on your behalf and that you are happy for us to share information with them.

If you are unhappy with something but don’t want to raise a formal complaint, we can deal with this as a quick resolution for you. This is where we take the chance to resolve the matter with you as soon as we can, and will aim to agree a resolution with you within two working days. We’ll then keep in touch with you until the issue has been fully resolved.

If you are unhappy about the actions we have taken, decisions we’ve made, or a failure of our service, you can make a formal complaint. These will be investigated by our Feedback Champion or a member of our management team. We'll let you know the name and position of the person carrying out your investigation, and they'll be your point of contact during the whole process. They will aim to get to the bottom of your issue and provide a resolution within 10 working days. If the process is going to take any longer, we'll stay in touch with you to let you know what's happening.

After receiving a formal response to your complaint, if you are still unhappy and feel that your issue hasn't been resolved, we may be able to review your case at an appeal. It is important that you give us any new evidence or information you feel we didn't previously consider, or we may not be able to investigate further. Please note that any appeals must be made within 20 working days of the date of our formal response. Your appeal request will be acknowledged within two working days. If it is accepted, it will be considered by a senior manager, based on any new evidence or information provided. An appeal of your complaint will take up to 20 working days and we will keep in touch if this will be longer for any reason.

Our appeal is the last part of our internal complaints process. If you still feel that we've let you down, you can escalate your concern externally.

To contact the Ombudsman, you can:

Feedback form

If you've had a recent experience with us, great or otherwise, please let us know using this form. We want you to give as much detail as needed, so you can attach a document too. If you need to provide us with more information, of if you have a question, please email

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