We want to reassure you that we're here to help and will do everything we can to help you get through this difficult period. Our staff, and the partner agencies we work with, can advise on everything that is available, from help with bills and rent to where to go for food vouchers if you're struggling to put food on the table.
We also have lots of hints and tips for reducing bills and helping to save money, so please keep an eye on our social media channels.

Helpful websites
- Anglian Water: Create personalised payment plans if you need some extra time to pay, or need practical advice and support.
- Buckinghamshire Family Information Service: Information about benefits and schemes to help families on low incomes.
- Buckinghamshire Online Directory: Find local foodbanks and schemes that can help you with food.
- Charis grants: Complete an online form with your supplier to see if you can get assistance with utility debt, bills or household items.
- Chesham Community Fridge: Make surplus food available for free to avoid food waste. No referrals required.
- Cold Weather Payments: a BBC News guide.
- Energy Saving Trust: Quick tips to save energy.
- Free school meals: Families on a low income can apply for free school meals for their children.
- Healthy Start: If you're pregnant or have a child under the age of four you could be eligible for help in buying food and milk.
- Help for Households: The government is offering help for households. See what cost of living support you could be eligible for.
- Helping Hand: Available to help individuals or families in need, those on low incomes and those who are experiencing a financial emergency or crisis.
- High Wycombe Central Aid: Help local people who are in need and/or on a low income with basic essential furniture and electricals.
- Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme: Eligible children and young people can enjoy free, high quality holiday activities and experiences, with each session including a free meal.
- Money Saving Expert: Hints and tips on how to save money on your bills
- One Can Trust: High Wycombe-based foodbank.
- Thomas Hickman Charity: Can help people on a low income with aids for living such as washing machines, carpets, cookers and fridges.
- Too good to go: Lets you buy and collect food that would otherwise go to waste at cafés, restaurants, hotels, shops and manufacturers – just because it hasn't sold in time. Download the app to get started.
- Warm Home Discount Scheme: You could get £150 off your electricity bill.
- Wycombe Community Friendly Fridge: Sharing food locally and reducing waste. No referrals required.
- Social tariffs: Cheaper broadband and phone packages - Ofcom
- Broadband Savvy: How to save money on broadband bills
If you're still not sure who to turn to, please get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.