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Social and affordable rent
Independent living for over 60s
Shared ownership
Market rent
Tenancy types
Moving into your new home
About us
Our team
Our Board
Our Corporate Journey
Our finances
Value for money
Our partners
Our performance
Previous performance
Our annual report
Other analysis
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Our policies
Our standards
Our transfer
PlaceShapers membership
Equality and Diversity statement
Modern slavery statement
Our development programme
Auckland Road
Bedder Road
Bookerhill Road
Britnell Court
Buckingham Drive
Chartridge House redevelopment area
Clifford Road
Deanfield Close
Five Acres
Foxes Piece
Gayhurst Road
Havenfield Road
Hicks Farm Way
Highwood Crescent
Marefield Road
Mentmore Road
20 Mentmore Road
New Road
Quebec Road
Rutland Street
Sandygate Road
Shelley Road
Totteridge Drive
Westhorpe Road
Completed developments
Huntercombe Park
Kennylands Road
Little Kimble
Mill Close
Tyzack Road
Windrush House
Our refurbishment projects
Blakes, Overshot and Seven Acre House
British steel framed homes
Conway, Severn and Tamar House
Greenway Court
The Pastures
Programme of improvements
Your home
Aids and adaptations
Buying land from us
Cold weather advice
Commercial premises
Communal areas and storage
Damp, mould and condensation
Electric vehicle chargers
Ending a tenancy
Energy saving tips
Fences, hedges, gates and boundaries
Fire safety
Fire door safety
Fire risk assessment
Home fire safety check
Lithium batteries
Garages to rent
Gardens and outdoor spaces
Gas safety
Carbon monoxide
Grounds maintenance
Heating your home
Home contents insurance
Leaseholder information
Administration fees explained
Buildings & contents insurance
Leasehold FAQs
Leasehold handbook
Repairs to leasehold homes
Selling your home
Service charges
Your rights and obligations
Making changes to your home
Mutual exchange
Overcrowding or underoccupation
Pest control
Power cuts
Right to Buy
Sheltered schemes
Guest rooms
Smart meters
Storage heaters
Tenancy fraud
Understanding your tenancy
Visits to your home
Home checks
Stock condition surveys
Waste and recycling
Water hygiene
Your rent
Pay rent online
Charging for work and services
What ways can I pay?
Supporting you
Antisocial behaviour
Hate crimes and harassment
Coping with grief and loss
Cost of living crisis
Domestic abuse support
Extreme weather advice
Financial wellbeing
Benefit advice
Debt management support
Financial support
Welfare reform
Bedroom tax
Cap on benefits
How we've helped: Case studies
Energy saving
Financial Wellbeing Team
Universal Credit
Homelessness and temporary accommodation
Homes for Ukraine scheme
Organising an event
Skills training and employment
Supporting communities
Community funding
Starting Blocks
Join our e-Panel
Environmental Improvement Group
Community volunteering
Giving back
Join us
About us
Current vacancies
Assistant Repairs and Voids Manager (4-6 month contract)
Community Specialist (Homes & Estates) - 6 months fixed term
Repairs and Voids Manager
Become a member
Decisions made by tenant volunteers
EIG decisions
Interview Panel decisions
RRT impact and activity summary
Tenant-led service scrutiny
Environmental Improvement Group
Red Kite Champions
Resident Representative Team
Meet our current RRT
RRT key roles
RRT meetings
Major Works Group
Springboard e-Panel
Starting Blocks e-Panel
Repairs and Empty Homes Group
Development Panel
Interview Panel
Procurement Group
Asset Management Group
Compliance Group
Estate Inspections
Volunteering form
Report a repair
Responsive repair
Repair priorities
Who is responsible for repairs?
Problems with your heating
Disrepair claims companies
Give us your feedback
How we're doing with feedback
The Housing Ombudsman
Professional Standards
The Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code
Things we got right
What we got wrong and what we did about it
Tenant satisfaction measures survey
Contact us
Emergency contacts
Other useful contacts
Tenant newsletters
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