We’re pleased to announce two successful court cases in March, spanning across two different counties, which have resulted in reclaiming homes for those in need.

In Oxford, our Lead Community Specialist, Hourrya, supported by our solicitors, successfully defended a complicated claim of succession. The case was brought to a close with possession granted 'forthwith' – a great result. This three-bedroom home will soon be available for a family that truly needs it.

Meanwhile, in High Wycombe court, Ruby, our Tenancy Specialist, supported by Paul, Interim Tenancy Specialist Team Manager, managed to gain a possession order with seven days' notice. This is another three-bedroom home that will soon be back in circulation.

As a dedicated social landlord, we’re committed to protecting and managing our homes from incorrect or illegal use, false succession claims, abandonment, and tenancy fraud and ensuring that our homes go to those who need them.