From June we’re making a change to our contact centre opening hours.
Starting from Monday 3rd June our contact centre and our offices will be open all day on Wednesdays; previously we closed until 1pm.
Our opening hours on Fridays will also be changing: our contact centre will be open from 8.45am – 1pm, calls after 1pm will be handled by our out-of-hours service. Our offices will not be open to visitors on Fridays.
So, to confirm, our contact centre opening hours will be:
- Monday – Thursday: 8.45am-5.15pm
- Friday: 8.45am-1pm
Tenants will still be able to call our main number - 01494 476100 - to report any urgent issues that may arise on Friday afternoons. Our repairs contractor will also continue to carry out scheduled and emergency repairs as usual.
We will be piloting these new hours for 12 months and evaluating their impact on our tenants, our staff, and the service we provide. If this pilot proves successful, our Board will consider a permanent move to this way of working in 2025.
Our aims are to better meet the needs and preferences of our tenants, to make us a more attractive employer, and to help us as we invest in our staff to deliver improved services.
By changing our opening hours, we hope to improve our availability and responsiveness to our tenants.
Before making these changes, we worked with our Resident Representative Team - a group of tenants who work with us and help to shape decisions. We also sought the views of our member tenants, and sent a survey via text to all those tenants whose number we have. The results of this consultation were supportive of the changes.

Our annual Community Morning, where all our staff spend the morning volunteering with local projects, takes place on Wednesday 5th June. This means our office will not be open to visitors on this day until 2pm.