We’re thrilled to share that we’ve been awarded £1.2 million in grant funding to help make our homes more energy efficient.

The money, awarded to us by the Social Housing Decarbonisation Wave 2.1 fund, will go towards improving 140 of our lower energy efficient homes enabling us to install energy-saving measures such as loft and external wall insulation. The aim is for them to receive an EPC rating of C or above. Our plan is to ensure all homes are at EPC C or above by 2030.

This is great news for our tenants as their homes will be made easier to heat. They should also see a reduction in their current fuel bills and their general internal living environment improved. We’ll be working closely together with leading energy provider E.ON to coordinate and deliver these works which are due to start later this year.

Mark Haines, Director of Property at Red Kite Community Housing said:

"We’re delighted to have been awarded this money, which will be used to improve the energy efficiency of 140 of our tenants' homes. It’s especially important now with the cost of living being so high and the need for all of us to become more environmentally friendly. We’re confident that once the work has been completed, tenants will notice a difference when heating their home."

Chris Lovatt, Chief Operating Officer, UK Solutions at E.ON, said:

"The homes we live in are among the single largest contributors to the UK’s carbon footprint, with about 14% of the country’s total carbon emissions coming from heating our homes. Energy efficiency is simply the best investment we can make as a country – it cuts household bills and makes homes warmer and healthier, it reduces our impact on the planet and it also helps to grow the economy by spurring the creation of new green collar jobs.

"This major project with Red Kite Community Housing is one of a number of schemes up and down the country where we are helping people to take positive action for the climate, improving the energy efficiency of homes for thousands of families, and providing long-term support that cuts energy bills today and for years to come.”