Last Wednesday, with Thames Valley Police and Chiltern Rangers, we carried out a litter pick in Castlefield.

A group shot of 5 litter pickers holding bin bags at Castlefield

Janine Healy, our Estates Manager, commented "We covered Spearing service road and Cross Road Park and collected dozens of bags of litter. We found evidence of drug use in the area in addition to dog fouling and flytipped items.

"However, the service road was in a much better state than previous inspections due to the formation of a new community litter picking group 'Reclaim Castlefield' with whom we are now working in partnership."

We've approached Buckinghamshire Council to install additional litter and dog fouling bins in the area, as well as speaking to local residents about how to report antisocial behaviour effectively. We'll also be installing new bins inside Cross Road Park.

Great job - thanks to everyone involved!

Two litter pickers at a Castlefield children's park