Here at Red Kite we're passionate about building thriving communities and improving the land we own, so we have a dedicated fund available to spend on neighbourhood and environmental improvements. Since starting the group we've helped invest in playgrounds, community projects, communal spaces and more. Last financial year we spent £29,670 and want to continue using this money to help improve the community and make the areas surrounding our homes fantastic places to live.

The Environmental Improvement Group (EIG) is made up of tenants, leaseholders and staff who meet every eight weeks for an hour to discuss and vote on funding applications. If you're interested in joining our Environmental Improvement Group, visit our EIG volunteering web page.

One of the biggest focusses for EIG is that the improvements will have a positive benefit to the area and residents so it's always important to think about this before putting in an application - and to make sure you have support from your neighbours too!

Recently, Emma Mayo, our Communications Specialist, went along on an EIG site visit to see some improvements that have been completed as well as areas with potential to be improved. Three sites were visited, which gave everyone a chance to look and make sure they were happy with the work that's been completed.

Blakes House

The first site visited was Blakes House, this application was put in by our very own Estates Manager, Janine Healy, who has made it her mission to improve the general needs sites we own in the area. The application was for us to replant two shrub beds outside the block of flats. The beds were previously filled with grass and plants, but due to a lack of care the areas were almost bare and the small shrubs were filled with rubbish. The aim of the application was to improve the aesthetic of the site and make the residents happier with the area they're living in. When visiting the area before putting the application in, Janine spoke to four residents who were all very positive about the project. When the site was visited, there was still a bit of work to do, but it was clear to see the immediate improvement this has made.

Blakes House garden patch

Mahoney Court

The second site we visited was Mahoney Court, and this application was also put in by Janine. She wanted to improve the look of the area and try to combat littering.

Janine’s proposal was to plant small shrubs including lavender, euonymus and hebes. She also spoke with nine residents who were all in favour of the improvement. Under our anti-social behaviour budget, we will also be adding a gate in the area to help stop members of the public using the site as a shortcut.

Before work completed at Mahoney Court
Mahoney Court area after work completed

Malvern Close

Finally, we visited Malvern Close, this application hasn’t officially been submitted yet, so we were able to have a look at the site before any improvements happen and discuss any other potential areas of improvement. The group members shared ideas and this site will be discussed in the next EIG meeting.

Staff and tenants looking at a potential site at Malvern Close

Emma has said, “It was really great to get out with a different team of people and some involved tenants to see all of the great work we do to improve our community. The tenants had a chance to point out other improvements that were needed and get expert advice from the staff on site.”

Have an idea for an improvement?

It’s simple, if you have an idea that you feel could improve the local community then apply for the funding! Visit our EIG web page and fill in the application, providing as much detail as possible.