During a recent estate inspection at the Imbies estate in Downley, a tenant approached Janine, our Estates Manager, to highlight an issue with passers-by throwing litter into a gully near to where he lived in Malvern Close. He also explained that the area was very dark due to lack of lighting.

After receiving his feedback, Janine met Ian from John O’Conner on site and discussed planting a new hedge in front of the gully to deter passersby from littering. The Property team assessed the proposal and gave the go-ahead. Janine then ran the proposal through our Environmental Improvement Group (EIG) who all agreed the funding.
Ben Eales, Home Safety Specialist, also used a lighting budget to fund and install a new lamppost.
We’re currently looking into purchasing litter bins to place in problem areas (currently our only litter bins are in parks).
One tenant said: “It is very, very good. All the neighbours are very pleased - they love it!”
Well done to everyone involved for working together to improve our community.
Environmental Improvement Group
We have a dedicated fund that is available to spend on neighbourhood and environmental improvements. Since the creation of our Environmental Improvement Group (EIG), we've been able to use this funding to make a difference to the places where our tenants live. We've helped invest in playgrounds, parking spaces, community projects, communal spaces and more.
The EIG is made up of our tenants, leaseholders and staff who meet every month to discuss and vote on funding applications. If you'd like to apply for funding for a project that will help improve your local neighbourhood, please see our EIG page.