Our Starting Blocks fund – a pot of money used to help individuals realise their potential - has successfully supported a tenant into work.

Jordan Thomas Gadget Rehab

Earlier this year Jordan Thomas, 22, joined Red Kite's youth forum. After speaking with Jordan it became apparent that he had a keen interest in IT and a passion for mending things!

Nahida, our Community Investment Specialist, spent some time with Jordan and encouraged him to apply for Starting Blocks funding to pay for a course that would qualify him to mend mobile phones.

Nahida went on to identify a local company – Gadget Rehab – who could offer the course and help mentor Jordan.

Jordan recently completed his Level 1 and 2 smartphone and tablet repair course, impressing Gadget Rehab so much that they offered him a job.

Jordan, who lives in Princes Risborough, explains:

“The Red Kite youth forum is absolutely amazing. The opportunity it’s given me has actually been life-changing.

“My father passed away when I was 17 and it was a really difficult time. I was studying public services at college as I wanted to be a firefighter. I did pass, but then things don’t always go as planned, and I felt very stuck and I was very down about it all.

“Earlier this year I saw the youth forum being promoted and decided to join, and it has really boosted my confidence and shown me there are people who care.

“When I was approached about having a course funded to help me I couldn’t believe it. Red Kite genuinely has openings, wants to listen and I think it’s just amazing.

“I’ve learnt so much, I now feel like I can take anything on!”

Nahida adds:

“I have loved working with Jordan and helping him to find a job that he is passionate about. He has done so well and with Starting Blocks funding and the support of Gadget Rehab he is well on the way to a successful career. It’s been such a pleasure to help Jordan. It just goes to show how a small amount of support in the right area really can make a huge difference to someone and their future.”

Daniel Beckford, who runs Gadget Rehab in High Wycombe, says:

“I’m just over the moon about how well this has gone for Jordan and am so happy to have him as part of the team.

“I’d been thinking about offering training for quite a while, but never got round to doing anything about it. When I was approached by Nahida I thought, ‘now is the time’.

“I’ve really enjoyed it and it has been great to see Jordan gain confidence. This course has made a huge difference to him and it’s great to see him with a smile on his face.”