Over the last week, we’ve been celebrating Volunteers’ Week by shining a spotlight on our wonderful Red Kite volunteers.

Volunteers’ Week is an annual event which runs every year from 1st-7th June and is a time to say thanks for the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.

Here at Red Kite, we’re so lucky to have a wonderful group of dedicated and passionate volunteers who are often residents that live in our homes. They make a positive difference in the community by helping to shape the services we provide. Our volunteers have an important role in making sure that we remain truly resident-led through everything that we do.

Daffodil, one of our volunteers, received a certificate of thanks from us last week, and here’s what she had to say;

“I find volunteering with Red Kite very rewarding. I like the fact that they have a resident-led approach, and as a volunteer in the Major Works Group, I can meet new people, work in a team, and contribute to decision making.

As a result of my time being a volunteer, I have new skills and have gained more confidence to speak in group settings.

I would encourage residents to get involved in volunteering with Red Kite as they can make an impact on their community.”

I Volunteer D Hodge

Here’s a message of thanks from our Resident and Community Engagement Team:

And of course, it’s not just about our volunteers, we’d like to thank everyone who gives up their time to help others by volunteering in the community. You really are stars!