Dozens of people from the Castlefield community attended a special event on Monday night (17th June) which we organised to share our vision of how the area could be regenerated.

Castlefield Councillors

We are currently seeking planning permission for 188 new homes at the former Star Blocks site off of Pettifer Way and Chairborough Road in High Wycombe.

The development, which will cost around £40 million to deliver, will consist of a mixture of homes for sale and rent, 86% of which are affordable homes.

The event, held at the development site, was also attended by local district and county councillors who unanimously supported the scheme.

Cllr Mohammed Hanif (Oakridge and Castlefield) said:

"We are excited with what is being proposed and looking forward to the completion of this development. The whole area needs something, we just want it to be approved and the sooner the better."

Cllr Mohammed Asif (Oakridge and Castlefield) added his support saying:

"We hope the council see sense and approve this scheme so Red Kite can make a start with building these much-needed new homes."

Bucks County Councillor Majid Hussain, added:

"I hope the community will support this regeneration."

Castlefield Exterior

93% of people who attended said they supported the project and thought it would bring a positive change to the area.

People who went along to the informal event were asked for their feedback which Red Kite will use to help them with future planning ideas. Comments included:

“Investing in our children’s future is very important. I strongly believe this change will be significant and bring a positive change to our local community.”

“I am so glad this area will have new houses and flats. This area needs change.”

“I have high hopes for this project and am pleased with the range of houses. The open spaces, lighting and security should make it a safer friendlier place to live.”

“I hope this scheme will bring in more diversity and make a positive change.”

“The electric car charging will be essential to creating a development which continues to be relevant in the future. Thank you for including this.”