From beautiful gardens to amazing volunteers, we celebrated all things that are great in the community at our sixth annual Neighbourhood Awards event.

Neighbourhood Award Winners 2019

More than 100 people gathered on Thursday (18th July) at our headquarters at Kingsmead Business Park in Loudwater.

There were six gardening awards as well as Good Neighbour, Amazing Volunteers and Young Heroes awards.

Bazgha Sultana, Engagement & Events Coordinator, said:

“Our Neighbourhood Awards are a real highlight of the year. It is a fantastic opportunity to recognise the people who help to make our community a better place to live.

“The level of entries this year was inspiring, we got to judge some truly stunning gardens and read about some amazing people.”

The awards were presented by Cllr Mohammed Hanif (Oakridge and Castlefield). Winners received vouchers and certificates to mark their achievements.

Best Kept Garden went to David Wooster of Marlow for his impressive self-watering system, raised beds and very colourful and diverse pots of flowers.

Small Garden was awarded to Freda Massey of Archdale in High Wycombe for her use of baskets and pots.

Vegetable Garden went to Yvonne Dones for her wide selection of vegetables which she shares with her neighbours at Orchard House in Bourne End.

Best School Garden was won by High Wycombe C of E School who boast a garden that is diverse and full of creativity.

Hazlemere School received a Special Recognition award for their garden which plays host to a bug mansion as well as fruit and vegetable beds.

Communal Garden was won by Gatensbury Place, a sheltered scheme in Clifford Road, Princes Risborough.

Red Kite resident William Banning, who lives in Downley, was honoured with the Master Gardener title.

This year a new category of Young Heroes of Neighbourhood was introduced.

This award recognises people who have worked to improve the lives of those around them and made a real difference in the community by either volunteering at local organisations, serving the elderly or arranging community events.

This year’s Young Heroes are: Bethany Bravington, Ebony Nicols, Mark, Ethan, Frankie, Nicole, Precious, Keria-Lee, Ethan, Jasper, Reuben, Kamileshia, Yasmeen, and Leila.

The Good Neighbours award is for people who are always there for their neighbours and help them with day-to-day tasks.

Winners this year were: Graham Moore, Pam East, Valerie Colvill, Lesley O’Neill, Michael Veck & David Collier, Julie Smith, Kathy Hatt, and Janet & Bob White.

Amazing volunteers - Non-Red Kite included the volunteers at Hills Café in Micklefield, Hannah Miles, Laura White, Natasha Ing, Nicola Coote, Rachel Edmondes, Sandy Boswell, Sarah Jordan, Sharayne Cruickshank, Douglas Mciver, Farooq Khan, George Lightbrown, and Gilli Goodchild. These volunteers work hard all year round, and without them Hills Café wouldn't be able to provide companionship and a friendly, inclusive meeting place for the community.

Amazing volunteers - Red Kite went to residents Melissa, Roni McGowan Hazel Chandler Alan Butler, Margaret Gilbert, and Dorothy Coomer for all the work they do to help at Red Kite.