People living around Mahoney Court in High Wycombe are hoping for a quieter Christmas after the police issued a full closure order on a problem home.

Thames Valley Police, together with Red Kite Community Housing who own the home, have been working closely with the community to gather evidence against the tenant. This was presented to Wycombe Magistrates this week and the closure order was enforced on Wednesday 18th December.

The home has now been fitted with security screens meaning no-one apart from the police or Red Kite can enter the property. Action is now underway to repossess the property.

Louise Phelps-Jeffrey, Antisocial Behaviour Specialist at Red Kite, said:

"This outcome is the result of several months' hard work behind the scenes and can only be achieved through the support of our residents. We will continue to respond to concerns of residents by working together with partner agencies to reduce the impact of antisocial behaviour on the local community."

This closure order is the second issued this week, when one was enforced on Monday at McLellan Place in High Wycombe.

In the last few weeks Red Kite has also obtained a suspended possession order for drug offences, an injunction application has been made for drug-related antisocial behaviour, and a possession order has been obtained following closure of a property for drug offences.

Andrew Hitchcock, Homes Manager at Red Kite, said:

"This is a clear message to the community that we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour in or around our homes. Antisocial behaviour makes people’s lives a misery and we will do everything we can to stop it."

Red Kite and police standing outside of Mahoney flat given a closure order