Red Kite Community Housing has helped play matchmaker for two customers who fell in love after meeting at their sheltered housing scheme.

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Gaynor Kirkwood and Alan Misri met at their homes in New Court in Marlow where they had both been tenants for around seven years.

Gaynor, 75, explained:

“We used to meet in the laundry room and say hello, or we would see each other in the garden, but it was only last year that we went out to lunch together with another couple.”

Alan, 67, adds:

"I asked her out again and that was it, we started going out together.”

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After 46 days of dating Alan bought a ring and, after seeking permission from Gaynor’s son Timothy, he popped the question!

The pair have now swapped their two studio flats for a one-bedroom home at another Red Kite property in Brooke Furmston Place in Marlow.

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On August 18th Gaynor and Alan were married in front of friends and family, including Gaynor’s children Timothy and Catherine and Alan’s children Sharon and Lee, in The Guildhall in Windsor. A reception followed at Baroosh in Marlow where the pair danced until midnight!

Gaynor said:

“I had been a widow for 28 years and never thought I would want to get married again, but we just knew. It was just right. We are so happy, and it is lovely that everyone else is happy for us too. Who would have thought moving into a Red Kite home would help us find love!”