Our exceptional Core Procurement Group (Hazel, Margaret and Dorothy) are in the office today evaluating tenders for our new fire safety and door entry contract. With mobilisation planned for January 2019, this contract is all about compliance and customer safety which of course is super-important and one of our top priorities.
We see these fabulous ladies in our office on a regular basis but did you know that between them, they have volunteered more than 2,500 hours during the course of their involvement with us? During that time, they’ve helped us procure millions of pounds worth of contracts which is just amazing… and it also generated two national award finalist placings over the years!
The importance of listening to tenant voices is a really topical subject in national coverage of our sector at the moment, so it’s particularly special for us to know that from day one at Red Kite, our customers have been integral in making decisions with us and influencing significant areas of our business. Well done and a huge thank you to Hazel, Margaret and Dorothy, and of course other previous members of the Core Procurement Group. We literally couldn’t do this without you.