Back in February, Amy How joined Red Kite as an Engagement and Events Co-ordinator and thought it would be a great idea to put together a regular blog to update all of our volunteers and members about what the Community Investment team has been up to. For those who don’t know, Red Kite's Community Investment team is dedicated to managing our volunteers and supporting our communities by creating new and exciting opportunities for involving tenants and leaseholders to learn new skills, improve their CVs and future job opportunities.
Read Amy's blog below and remember to check back for the latest updates and ways in which you can get involved.

It's now been over a month since I started my role here at Red Kite, and time has really flown! The team here have all been so welcoming and have really helped me to settle in.
Since starting, I have been involved in a lot of the regular groups that our volunteers attend, which has not only given me a great insight into how Red Kite works, but has also allowed me to meet some of our amazing volunteers in person and see the difference they make in influencing our organisation across all areas of the business.
Recently, I went out with the Property team and Margaret (one of our volunteers on the Major Works group) to see two local blocks of flats which are having a well-needed facelift. The work being done was fantastic and you could really see how it would improve our customers' enjoyment of their homes and communities. It would be great to have more volunteers come along to see the work they have helped influence, so if anyone is interested in joining the Major Works group, please get in touch.
I also got the chance to go along to the Compliance group which was the perfect opportunity to familiarise myself with the different contractors at Red Kite and see how they work and carry out repairs. It would be fantastic to get some more volunteers on board for future meetings as it gives tenants the opportunity to hear about the contractors’ work, raise any issues they may be having, give feedback on their own experience, as well as challenge and hold contractors to account where necessary.

Additionally, I’ve been very busy organising our Community Morning for the 26th April. I’ve met with all the organisations we will be working with on the day to find out more about the types of things our staff and volunteers will be doing. From clearing scrubland with Chiltern Rangers to helping at local dementia charity Safe Haven, there is lots to get involved with!
Nahida, Rachel and I have been busy leafleting for our Business Start-Up Course which begins on 25th April. We’ve been out talking with local businesses about advertising our course, which is free to anyone who lives in the Wycombe district. We spoke to lots of people who were interested in coming along to our taster session to find out more. If you would like to hear more about the course, please get in touch.
I have plenty of exciting things planned for this month that I will keep you updated on, from going out on visits with the repairs team, to assisting with plans for Dementia Awareness week and helping out at our jobs fair at Bucks New University.
Thanks for reading!