On October 24th and 25th, Chiltern Rangers visited our sheltered scheme at Barrowcroft. Chiltern Rangers are a local, not-for-profit organisation who we've supported previously - they do great work in the community, most recently cleaning up parts of the Wye river through their 'Young Roots' project.

Helping out with volunteers

Over two days, dozens of young people, Red Kite staff and volunteers came together to improve Barrowcroft for the wildlife, the people who live there and anyone who passes by.

Red Kite staff cleaning up

We all worked throughout the day, showing our community spirit as we all came together. Some of what they did included:

  • River tree thinning to bring light levels back towards optimum for river health
  • Putting together a green art installation wall
  • River side wildflower pollinator meadow
  • Improving the area for local wildlife including bluebell planting
  • Filming their work
  • Making art
  • Bird and bat box making and painting
  • Camp fire cooking.

A massive thanks from us to Chiltern Rangers for improving the local environment for our residents - it's very much appreciated!

Chiltern Rangers vehicles

You can find out more about Chiltern Rangers on their website.