One of our ToolShed success stories, Jade, is featured in a new national film and study called 'We Work' which shows how we, and other housing associations, have helped people into work.

We Work draws together 15 powerful stories of how lives have been transformed by housing associations like ours who are part of PlaceShapers.

PlaceShapers is a network of more than 100 community-focused housing associations who between them own and manage more than 805,000 homes, provide services to more than two million people and have helped more than 60,000 people find work since 2010.

They highlight how partnerships between PlaceShapers, local agencies, and businesses provide people with the support they need to get into or return to work, or to start their own companies.

Jade said:

"I can’t thank Red Kite enough for putting money into ToolShed, because it’s opened a door for me and given me so many opportunities and qualifications. It’s made me stronger as a person."

David Gerard, Head of People, said:

"Jade’s story is truly inspirational. All these stories show how we build lives as well as homes. We care about our communities and play a unique role in helping them thrive. These results are possible only because we are embedded in our community, understand local issues and provide services which respond to local need."