We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded the ‘top marks’ rating of G1 (Properly Governed) and V1 (Financially Viable) by our regulator, the Homes & Community Agency. This follows their recent In-Depth Assessment and is a spectacular achievement given that we are less than five years old.
In May, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) spent time in our offices interviewing Board members and our Executive Management Team as part of a programme of reviews they are carrying out of all major Housing Associations. The visits, interviews, and review of many documents covered a wide range of areas of our business. These assured our regulator that our Board make strategic decisions based on robust information and sound judgement, and that we are managing our finances well.
To achieve this top rating in our fifth year of operation is a tremendous achievement for our young business. As part of their feedback to us, the HCA highlighted that our approach to the assessment process made their job very straightforward and enabled them to identify the evidence they needed to award top marks quickly and easily. In short, we were an easy organisation to award the highest rating to!
Our focus over the past four years has been on delivering the promises made to tenants to improve their homes. So this is an astonishing achievement for everyone involved, as it demonstrates that we're not just succeeding in delivering the promises, but that we're also financially strong and have an exemplary approach to decision-making, managing risk and value for money. This has seen us save millions of pounds that will be invested back into our communities in providing new homes.