We are delighted to announce that we are the third most innovative social landlord in the whole of the UK, out of more than 356 different organisations who took part in a recent survey.

The Innovation Index, carried out by Inside Housing and The Dolphin Index, looked to measure organisational culture and how innovative and open to innovation they are. Housing associations as a whole have performed very well, with 61 social landlords being more innovative than the average business in the UK.

We are immensely proud of this result, as innovation is something we value very highly here at Red Kite and is a core principle in the way we work. Our Resources Director Neil Venables said:

"The ability to innovate has never been more important to providing homes for our communities. For us, being innovative is part of our culture – it is who we are."

Hearing that we perform so well compared to both our peers and other organisations in the UK is so satisfying, as it demonstrates that we have created exactly the kind of culture we set out to.

To us, being innovative means being open to change the way we do things and encouraging how we challenge everything we do, so that we constantly improve the services we provide for our customers. We take innovation so seriously that we dedicate time every Wednesday morning for developing ideas and thinking of new ways that we can run our business, all with the aim of making things better for our customers.

With social housing facing so many changes this year alone, being able to adapt and change is more important to us than ever before. By having such a strong innovative culture, not only can we be confident about our future, but our customers can be confident about their future with us too.