On Friday 11th September, we held our third Annual Get-Together, which included our formal AGM. Every year so far has been a great success, and this year was no exception. Everyone who came had a great time, with lots of activities for all our members to join in with. We had face painting, a magician, a photo booth, and food and drinks for everyone. For the kids, we had a children's tea party, biscuit decorating, and an exciting bug hunt. You could even try your hand at surfing... on a simulator, of course!

Our Annual Get-Together is open to all our members, so if you want to take part next year, don't forget to fill out a form to become a member.

We also received a letter from one of the judges of our 'Red Bite Challenge':

"I was amazed at all the trouble Red Kite had gone to in providing such a good array of activities, food and refreshments. I did not manage to get round everything as we took our task as judges very seriously and spent quite some time looking and tasting but it all looked great.

"I think the welcome and ambiance of the afternoon/evening was terrific, music, food and drink and plenty of activities to keep the youngsters amused is definitely the way to go. It is clearly an event that Red Kite takes very seriously and is keen to have it's residents attend. I was not sure what to expect but I was very pleasantly surprised. Although there seemed to be a fair number of people in attendance I am not sure that it represented all Red Kite residents, which is a shame as I am sure if they attended once they would come back year after year.

"I thought the challenge was a great idea and that some of the ideas were very inventive and a good use of ingredients. We all played it with a straight bat and there was very little in terms of marking between first and second place; we had a giggle about how some of the ingredients had been listed, i.e. sugar, icing and albumen, but overall it seemed to have been taken very seriously by people and the added extras of poems etc. made it very interesting.

"Finally, thank you all at Red Kite for asking me to attend, I really enjoyed it and I appreciate the massive effort not only the bakers but all the staff and board made to the event. Well done all round."