Danielle is one of our more recent recruits to our dedicated pool of volunteers. She started volunteering with us after making a complaint with our Relationship team, and talking to us about about the changes she wanted to see. She told us that she wanted to really make a difference, so she started volunteering with us and has been working with us to carry out telephone surveys asking other customers about their views of our repairs service.

It’s important to us that our volunteers are rewarded for the time they spend with us, which is why we offer a number of training courses and opportunities.

In exchange for her time, we have supported her through a course on presentation skills, which she has recently completed. She is now taking a 10-week basic IT skills course to further improve her skills. These skills are helping build her confidence and get ideas of what work she would like to get into. At the same time she is giving us great feedback so we can improve our services.

  • To find out more about how you can volunteer with us, and the training that we offer, visit our volunteering page.