On Wednesday 9th December, we held a Christmas Market here in our offices, where we hosted a wide range of local businesses while they sold their Christmas wares. There was a wide range of Christmas treats and gifts on offer, from handmade cards and wines, to handcrafted jewellery and fresh winter vegetables. Some of the local businesses who came along were graduates from our business start-up course too, who have gone from strength to strength after graduating. We had mince pies and mulled wine as well, to ensure everyone got into the Christmas spirit!

Checking Out Some Of The Christmas Gifts
Christmas Wines

Thanks to a great turnout from the other businesses at Kingsmead Court and the general public, the market was a resounding success!

Buying Some Winter Vegetables

We had a Christmas raffle where we raised more than £120 for Scanappeal. We also raised £84 through sales of different preserves made by our Chef's Group, the proceeds of which also went to charity.