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Environmental Improvement Group decisions

We have a dedicated fund that is available to spend on neighbourhood and environmental improvements. Since the creation of our Environmental Improvement Group we've been able to use this funding to make a difference to the places where our tenants live. We've helped invest in playgrounds, community projects, communal spaces and more.

The Environmental Improvement Group (EIG) is made up of our tenants, leaseholders and our staff who meet every month to discuss and vote on funding applications.

2024 decisions

Cross Road Park - Bulbs, noticeboards and benches

Recommendation: To install benches and noticeboards, and plant a strip of flowers.
Cost: £7,434
Decision: Approved.

Bowerdean area - Planting of bulbs

Recommendation: To create an owl, made from crocuses, that can be seen from around the area.
Cost: £1,958
Decision: Approved.

Holmers Farm estate - Planting bulbs and wildflowers

Recommendation: Planting bulbs and native wildflower perennials in the area around Holmers Farm Way.
Cost: £1,600
Decision: Approved.

New Court, Marlow - Planting of flowers and shrubs

Recommendation: To create a 'Legacy Wellbeing Garden' to enhance wildlife spaces around New Court.
Cost: £5,085
Decision: Approved, subject to conditions.

Laburnum Road – Improvement of rear seating area

Recommendation: To replace a damaged pergola with three metal archways, a rotten wooden shed, and a wooden bench.
Cost: £1,682
Decision: Approved.

New Court Road – Planting of flowers/shrubs

Recommendation: To replace broken and damaged hedges with flowers and shrubs.
Cost: £300
Decision: Approved.

Imbies Estate – New bins for tenants

Recommendation: To provide bins to tenants who don’t already have them (42) to keep outside their front doors and encourage them to keep their waste inside the bins.
Cost: up to £850
Decision: Approved.

Parsonage Close – New bench

Recommendation: To replace a rotten bench.
Cost: £540
Decision: Approved.

Foxes Piece – Mass bulb planting

Recommendation: To plant 150m2 worth of bulbs (‘Bee Mix’) at Foxes Piece.
Cost: £5,363
Decision: Approved.

Brooke Furmston Place – Communal garden makeover

Recommendation: To enhance a shaded area in the communal gardens at Brooke Furmston Place with plants and containers.
Cost: £500
Decision: Approved.

Princes Risborough, The Crescent – Planting fruit trees

Recommendation: To plant 12 dwarf fruit trees on communal land.
Cost: £600
Decision: Approved.

Baines House - Garden

Recommendation: To make a ‘Health & Wellbeing edible garden’ which will include wall art, edible fruit, plants, etc.
Cost: £4,590
Decision: Approved.

2023 decisions

Bench in memory of Pete Griffiths

Recommendation: To provide and situate a bench in Marlow with a memorial plaque to commemorate the life of Peter Griffiths, former employee of Red Kite whose wife and children remain living in Marlow.
Cost: £510 (excluding the plaque, which would add c.£50)
Decision: Approved.

Parsonage Close - Installation of a bench

Recommendation: To have a bench installed at Parsonage Close.
Cost: £510
Decision: Approved.

Castlefield - Installation of anti-littering signs

Recommendation: To install some anti-littering signs along Rutland Avenue.
Cost: £1,050
Decision: Approved.

Stokenchurch - Restoration of hedge

Recommendation: To restore a hedge on New Road, Stokenchurch.
Cost: £230
Decision: Approved.

Cross Road Park - Replacement of bins

Recommendation: To install two replacement bins (with closed tops) in the play area open space in place of the older style, existing open-topped bins.
Cost: £1,956
Decision: Approved.

Eastwood Road – Community orchard and wildlife haven

Recommendation: To create and plant a community orchard and wildlife haven on an unused green space behind some of the houses at Eastwood Road.
Cost: £5,000
Decision: Approved.

Britnell Court – Communal gardens

Recommendation: To improve the communal gardens at Britnell Court..
Cost: £1,974
Decision: Approved.

Linchfield – Reinvigoration

Recommendation: To invigorate the area at the rear of Linchfield by planting and attracting more wildlife. To involve local artist Dan Wilson, residents from Linchfield, and children from Hannah Ball School.
Cost: £8,993
Decision: Approved.

Shiplake - Community garden

Recommendation: To create a community garden including raised beds, plants, bird boxes, wildlife-encouraging plants, and composting on site at the rear of Shiplake House for the tenants to grow their own vegetables and plants, and encourage wildlife into the garden.
Cost: £4,974
Decision: Approved.

Hayden House - Planting lavender bushes

Recommendation: To remove the old dying bushes at the rear of the car park and replace with lavender bushes; there is also a gap from the path to the car park which would also be planted with lavender.
Cost: £712.80
Decision: Approved.

Blakes House - Edging

Recommendation: Following on from Blakes House update, to add edging to stop bark mulch spilling onto pathways.
Cost: £302.20
Decision: Approved.

Park Street - Installation of bollards

Recommendation: To install 16 bollards, which we have in stock, to prevent cars parking on the grass verge during games at the local cricket club.
Cost: £960
Decision: Approved.

Simmons Way - Fill gap in hedge

Recommendation: – To fill a gap in the hedge to prevent pedestrians using it as a shortcut and improve the look of the area.
Cost: £270
Decision: Approved.

2022 decisions

2022 EIG decisions infographic

Malvern Close – Chiltern Rangers project

Recommendation: To improve the natural environment and biodiversity in the area by planting a variety of native bulbs and a native hedgerow on the border of the car park; install a retainer board on the edge of the car park to stop the soil falling onto the car park; and place some planters in the area for local residents to use for planting vegetables and herbs. We would invite local residents to join in the planting of bulbs, and building and painting bird boxes for the area. There would also be some artwork created to show local wildlife, and a wildflower area planted on a grass verge.
Cost: £9,474
Decision: Approved.

Kingsmead Road – Tree planting

Recommendation: To plant a wild cherry tree in memory of a neighbour who had passed away.
Cost: £222
Decision: Approved.

Shaftesbury Street – Planter improvement

Recommendation: To fill the empty planter with soil and plant with a combination of lavender, euonymus and hebes.
Cost: £807
Decision: Approved.

Purchase of benches

Recommendation: To purchase 15 benches to keep in stock to use on various applications.
Cost: £13,004
Decision: Approved.

Park Street – Improvements to the patio area

Recommendation: To replace old garden tables and chairs for sheltered tenants to sit in communal garden.
Cost: £550
Decision: Approved.

Blakes House – Refresh of shrub beds

Recommendation: To plant a mixture of lavender and rosemary in the dead shrub beds.
Cost: £438
Decision: Approved.

Nickson Court – Installation of benches

Recommendation: To replace the old broken benches in communal area for tenants to use.
Cost: £598 + benches Red Kite already had in stock
Decision: Approved.

Laburnum Road – Development of rear garden

Recommendation: To install four benches and a variety of plants in plant beds for tenants to enjoy the communal garden.
Cost: £744
Decision: Approved.

Orchard House – Installation of a shed for tenants

Recommendation: To put in a new shed for tenants to store gardening tools for the communal garden.
Cost: £650
Decision: Approved.

Shotfield Road - Put in a bird beak fence

Recommendation: To install a small bird beak fence to stop vehicles parking on the verge and damaging the grass, and creating more room for emergency vehicles to pass through.
Cost: £1,754
Decision: Approved.

Elliot House - Planting activity

Recommendation: To plant two groups of three Sweet olives (Osmanthus suavis) in pots and an area of wildflowers to improve the appearance and support the environment in that area.
Cost: £504 (including 200m2 of wildflower seed to be used on other projects)
Decision: Approved.

Five Acres - Chiltern Rangers Project

Recommendation: Partner with Chiltern Rangers on a planting project involving tenants to improve the ecology and overall environment.
Cost: £3,000
Decision: Approved.

Gilbert House - Planter improvement

Recommendation: To plant in the planters that run along the front of the building to improve the sight of the area and deter littering.
Cost: £2,320
Decision: Approved.

July - November 2021 decisions

2021 EIG decisions infographic

Laburnum Road

Recommendation: Install a bow top fence, two benches, planters, and a flower bed.
Cost: £6,300
Decision: Approved.

Bowerdean Road

Recommendation: A new shed to be installed as the old one had been broken.
Cost: £725
Decision: Approved.

Squirrel Lane

Recommendation: Picnic benches and planters to improve the communal garden.
Cost: £2,100
Decision: Approved.

Malvern Close

Recommendation: Install a row of Red Robin plants (Photinia × fraseri) along the side of the building to improve the view of the area and deter littering.
Cost: £395.20
Decision: Approved.

Melbourne Road Park

Recommendation: To cover half the cost of lighting to be installed to help deter antisocial behaviour.
Cost: £3,500
Decision: Approved.


Recommendation: Have a double-height curb installed to protect plants around the scheme from being driven over.
Cost: £300-£400
Decision: Approved.

Redman Road Park

Recommendation: Adult gym equipment to be installed next to the park on the green.
Cost: £11,385 + surfacing the ground
Decision: Declined.

Severn House, Hicks Farm Rise

Recommendation: Create an enclosed drying area next to the parking area for safety.
Cost: £850
Decision: Approved.

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Want to apply for EIG funding?

Take a look at our EIG application page for more information and to download the application form.