My Account

Report it!

Have you spotted something on Red Kite land that needs our attention?

If you're concerned about:

  • Fly-tipping
  • An untidy garden
  • Grass in need of cutting
  • Weeds - including ivy, moss, knotweed etc.
  • Fallen leaves or branches
  • Snow, ice, or a path that needs gritting
  • Graffiti
  • Litter
  • Dog waste bins
  • Broken playground equipment
  • Overgrown hedges or trees

or anything else, then please let us know by completing our Communal Spaces Report Form and our team will do their best to help.

Bear in mind that the more information you can give us, the easier it will be for us to do something about the issue.

If you're not sure whether the land belongs to us, the local authority, or a private owner, tell us anyway - if we're not responsible, we'll refer you to the person or body that manages it, if we have that information available.

If the issue is not on Red Kite-owned land, you should report it online using FixMyStreet.

Prefer to remain anonymous? Not a problem, you can give us your contact details if you choose, or leave those out of your report.

Thanks for helping us to keep our homes and communities attractive and pleasant places to live.