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Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24

Since April 2023 The Regulator of Social Housing has required all landlords to measure and publish performance measures, with a focus on tenant satisfaction and safety. This information is key in understanding how we are performing as a landlord and helps our tenants to provide feedback and hold us to account.

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures, or TSMs, are 12 satisfaction perception measures and 10 performance measures, introduced as part of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 to collect social housing tenants’ views and help them assess the performance of their registered provider.

Our independent surveyor, TPTracker, spoke to 540 tenants over the phone from October to December 2023 and completed surveys across our tenant base to gauge satisfaction, following the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing. Details of the survey questions can be found here. This was a random sample of all eligible tenants, with none excluded, split proportionally across our tenure types, a census approach which meant that no weighting of the results was necessary when calculating the final figures. No incentives were offered to encourage completion of surveys. Our independent surveyor works with a number of other registered providers on their TSMs, and provided support in collecting, generating, and validating our reported perception measures. Meanwhile, we compiled details on our services, which you can see on this page. Our results have been submitted to the regulator.

Our surveying for next year’s submission started on Monday 10th June 2024 and will run throughout the year. TPTracker will be completing this survey for us again to ensure our results are independent.

The Regulator’s website provides more information on the TSMs and explains how the data is being gathered and the requirements we have met to produce these figures. The Regulator will soon outline how you can compare performance between landlords.

Reference Measure 2023/24 performance
TP01 Overall satisfaction with landlord 78.6%
Keeping properties in good repair
TP02 Satisfaction with repairs 72.8%
TP03 Satisfaction with time taken to complete repairs 70.5%
TP04 Satisfaction that the home is well maintained 83.2%
RP01 Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 0%
RP02 Percentage of repairs completed within target timescales - Emergency 88.4%
Percentage of repairs completed within target timescales – Non-Emergency 77.6%
Maintaining building safety
TP05 Satisfaction that home is safe 86.7%
BS01 Percentage of gas safety checks completed 99.95%
BS02 Percentage of fire safety checks completed 100%
BS03 Percentage of asbestos safety checks completed 100%
BSO4 Percentage of water safety checks completed 100%
BSO5 Percentage of lift safety checks completed 100%
Respectful and helpful engagement
TP06 Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them 68.1%
TP07 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed 80.3%
TP08 Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect 85.8%
Effective handling of complaints
TP09 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints 36.6%
CH01 Count of complaints logged per 1,000 homes owned – Stage 1 Investigations 63.2
Count of complaints logged per 1,000 homes owned – Stage 2 Appeals 2.8
CH02 Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales – Stage 1 Investigations 93.2%
Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales – Stage 2 Appeals 86.7%
Responsible neighbourhood management
TP10 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 72.1%
TP11 Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 74.4%
TP12 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling antisocial behaviour 76.3%
NM01 Count of antisocial behaviour cases logged per 1,000 homes owned – All cases 45.0
Count of antisocial behaviour cases logged per 1,000 homes owned – Cases that involve hate incidents 1.3