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May 2020

You're looking at our previous performance graphics from May 2020. If you'd like to see the most recent, visit our performance page.

Tenant-Led Performance measures, May 2020 - 0% of recruitment has involved a tenant; 85% of procurement has involved a tenant; 60% of formal complaints resolved within target time; 14 customers influencing decisions per month

Our resident volunteers have done a great job continuing to work with us throughout a difficult and busy period for everyone – thank you.

The team and our volunteers are also working hard on how to further enable tenant involvement in our new digital way of working on activities such as recruitment.

Home Safety & Standards Performance measures, May 2020 - 100% of Health & Safety inspections completed; 100% of remedial actions completed in target time; 100% of homes meet the Decent Homes Standard; 100% of rents meet the Rent Standard

We're pleased to report that we remain 100% compliant with all of our safety, rent and home quality standards.

Home Improvements & Repairs Performance measures, May 2020 - 48 improvement works completed since the beginning of April 2020; Satisfaction measure not available as improvement works service paused during May 2020; 83% satisfaction with repairs service; 89% of repairs jobs completed in time

We continued our repairs services throughout the lockdown period, making sure our customers’ homes continued to be maintained.

Satisfaction with planned works is unavailable this month as the service was paused due to government restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Service Satisfaction Performance measures, May 2020 - 89% satisfaction with neighbourhood; 75% satisfaction with re-lets service; 86% satisfaction with ASB service

We are continuing to work with customers to ensure people have access to safe, secure, comfortable homes.

Development Performance measures, May 2020 - 363 homes in planning stage; 53 homes under construction; up to 500 homes due to be delivered; 51 homes completed

Our development plans are going strong, delivering new homes across our communities.

Please note that the totals identified here show progress to date, with 500 homes being our ambition to deliver by 2024.

Supporting our community through the crisis, May 2020 - 14,364 proactive contacts to our customers offering support; 100% of customers requesting support received it; 142 'tea and chat' calls; 406 food parcels delivered

Supporting our customers through the crisis is our key priority. These figures show some of the many ways we have been doing so, from delivering food parcels to those who need them, to setting up calls between staff and residents for a tea and a chat.