Since the beginning of our Covid-19 planning, we have always known that we would need to make key decisions to protect our more vulnerable groups of customers.

As part of this planning, we have made the decision to restrict access in our sheltered housing schemes to only essential visitors. This difficult decision was not made lightly or without thought to our residents and their needs, but as a direct response to the unprecedented global pandemic, and knowing that we had a part of play to support our most vulnerable group of customers, which has become our primary objective.

Until further notice anyone requiring access to these schemes will have to call through to Centra, our call centre, by using the red ‘warden call’ button at the entrance. The Call centre’s operator will ask up to 4 screening questions and access will only be given by them to essential visitors. Any existing door codes, including the use of trades buttons previously used to gain access will no longer work as the door entry systems have been disabled until further notice. This is to avoid the risks posed in bringing Covid-19 into a our schemes and infecting our residents.

Essential visitors including Emergency Responders, Carers, Postal staff, food and medicinal deliveries will still be given access, subject to them calling through to the call centre and answering the screening questions first. The call centre will then release the door for them.

We appreciate this is inconvenient, but these are unprecedented times and we are committed to doing everything we can to protect our residents and to keep them safe as we begin to come close to the point when the government are suggesting will be the infection peak over the Easter fortnight, which will be the most dangerous time in this crisis that we have seen so far.

We ask that you show understanding and patience with the call centre staff, as they are responding to multiple schemes at any one time.

We are trying to minimise the impact of Covid-19 and save lives, thank you for understanding and standing with us to protect our community.