On Wednesday 1st March, we were delighted to take part in a tidy-up morning in the Castlefield area, in partnership with Chiltern Rangers and Bucks UTC (University Technical College). Fly-tipping is, unfortunately, a common problem across the district and one that we are always working on improving. At Spearing Road, we have recently been working in partnership with the police, local councillors and Bucks County Council Waste Enforcement Officers to eradicate the problem as much as we can. Installing CCTV in this problem area will greatly deter flytippers and it will also allow Bucks County Council to use our evidence and prosecute those responsible.
While we finalise our plans for this new approach that we hope will make an immediate impact, we spent the morning clearing up the surrounding areas in preparation for a large scale removal of fly-tipping in the next few months. Working with local organisation Chiltern Rangers, who are a social enterprise that specialise in habitat management, and Bucks UTC students (14 and 15 years old studying IT and Construction at Bucks UTC), we litter picked and spruced up the wooded and grassed areas that back onto the service road car parks. After all the hard work, Chiltern Rangers arranged for the rubbish to be collected and will help again at the large scale removal by providing lots of volunteers.

In the meantime, we are working well towards the new CCTV cameras being in place and for these to help make our local communities even safer places to live.