by Thomas Young, Creative Writer
Beginning with a welcome pack containing a cup of tea, coffee and a biscuit made it clear that Red Kite weren’t your traditional company. They made sure that we kept in contact the whole time leading up to me starting the role, which I really appreciated. I was leaving home and moving somewhere over four hours away to a town where I didn’t know anyone. Knowing that the company I will be working for wanted to make sure I settled in properly and cared about my wellbeing outside of work meant I felt far less stressed about the move.

Despite my role being very office based, Red Kite understood the importance of showing me exactly what they do – on all levels. During my first few weeks at Red Kite, I was shown new properties, old properties being prepared for new tenants and got involved with volunteering for the community. Instead of creating distance between the different sections of the company, it’s clear that Red Kite want to make sure everyone that works becomes deeply involved with the core of what Red Kite do – providing housing for the community.