Candida Dutiro
I decided to volunteer for Red Kite because I am very passionate about my community. Having lived in High Wycombe for 13 years and been a tenant since the transfer from Wycombe District Council in 2011, I wanted to contribute to the development of the local area and make a positive contribution.
As a sociable person who has always enjoyed meeting different people from diverse backgrounds, I was eager to hear what tenants and community members have to say and to learn from them. Through networking and involvement with Red Kite I have been able to do this.
As part of my role as an RRT member I have also been given the opportunity to take a more strategic role when it comes to supporting tenants, complementing the work I do on a day-to-day basis. I feel my knowledge can contribute to the planning, visioning, and management of Red Kite Community Housing through the various skills I have.

Carol Bacchus
I have lived in High Wycombe since 1968, a few years with Wycombe District Council and with Red Kite Housing since 2022.
I have watched my children and grandchildren grow up in High Wycombe and I have seen so many changes within these times.
My working background has been within the furniture business and as a payroll officer. Both roles had lots of interactions with people, which I enjoyed very much.
I decided to start volunteering for Red Kite as I can see the passion the staff have for making a big difference within the housing community and would like to be part of that positive journey to make a difference.

Michelle Ball
Hi everyone, so a little about me! I live in Downley and have been a tenant with Red Kite (and previously the council) for over 15 years. I started volunteering with Red Kite in 2012 as I love their tenant-led approach and I'm passionate about making sure that the voice of tenants is heard. I've had the opportunity to be involved in many different groups, and more recently within RRT where I believe I can really make a difference.
Being on RRT allows me the opportunity to help shape the services that Red Kite offers and delivers, ensuring the needs of tenants are met, as well as being mindful of those in housing need.

Ron Fowler
I have been a volunteer since moving into my accommodation in July 2022. I am involved in various groups and enjoy the involvement in helping to improve Red Kite for its tenants. I became a member of RRT to further help and fine tune the relationship between Red Kite and its tenants.
Social housing is an important part of the local and national community. I like to be part of Red Kite's journey as a social housing community. What we do at Red Kite helping the tenant to be heard can and will be an example to other associations.

Linda Ramsey
The reason I joined RRT is that my work was in property management, which I thought could be useful in being involved with Red Kite and the tenants.
I think it’s important that tenants’ views are taken into account as they are the ones receiving the service. As a member of the RRT I want to ensure that our views are listened to and acted upon. I know my input can make a difference to all Red Kite tenants.

Ajmal Sarwar
I have been an engaged tenant for a number of years by being on a variety of volunteer groups. Through RRT I want to carry on making sure that the voice of the tenant is heard and help make changes within Red Kite which will have a positive effect for everyone involved.
I am passionate about social housing and have a strong desire to see all tenants enjoying living in their homes and receiving brilliant service from Red Kite.
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