Anyone who lives in one of our homes can apply to join our Repairs and Empty Homes Group.
If you're interested in joining, we'd love to hear from you.
What's involved
- Help to ensure that contractual requirements, agreed standards and appropriate tenant expectations are delivered
- Act as a scrutiny panel and challenge areas where improvement is required
- Help to set the strategic direction and vision for the service
- Influence and contribute to relevant decision-making so that our tenants' views are integral to how we do things
- Hold staff and our contractors to account against the things they have promised to do (our key performance indicators)
- Review and challenge how our repairs contractors are doing when it comes to activities like getting the work right first time, keeping to appointments, and tenant satisfaction.
- Review and challenge how our empty homes contractors are doing when it comes to activities like speed of turnover, cost of work, and tenant satisfaction
- Consider matters such as how we measure performance, tenant feedback including complaints, health and safety reports, quality standards, work delivered, decision-making, use and choice of materials, relevant processes/policies, and performance of our staff
- Consider related service areas from time to time, such as aids and adaptations and garage lettings
- Help the business to get the best value for money from the services we provide
- Help us to innovate, think of different and improved ways of doing things and set the vision for the future.
Level of commitment: Low
The group will meet at least four times a year and meetings will be held at a location and time that suits the needs of the Group. These can consist of site visits or tours, or formal meetings which will be minuted. Some meetings will take place virtually.
Skills you'll need
- Great at working as part of a team
- Confidence to speak in a group
- Passionate about people and our tenant-led approach.
How we'll support you
- You'll be supported by a member of our friendly Community Engagement team
- You'll receive comprehensive training.
We sometimes work virtually, using email and video calls to engage with our tenants. This means you'll need access to the internet and a device, such as a computer or tablet, to meet with us and our network of tenant volunteers.
We know that not everyone has the equipment or confidence to use digital technology. We can provide support, including training and even access to devices to ensure that you can help to shape our organisation from the comfort of home. Please don't hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach us by emailing or call us on 01494 476209.
What you'll get out of it
- Build your skills - you'll receive training and experience
- Working as part of a team.
What our current volunteers say

"I want to ensure the voice of the tenant is heard and I volunteer on various groups such as Repairs to ensure this happens."
A message from us
Interim Repairs and Voids Manager
"Being the Repairs and Voids Manager, I work closely with our Repairs and Empty Homes group which is made up of a number of our involved tenants.
"They have a wealth of experience and provide important contributions. They provide challenge where required and offer up alternative solutions that may not have been thought up by internal staff already.
"I am not only grateful for their time, I am very grateful for their knowledge and commitment in working alongside us to improve the services we deliver to our tenants."
If you're interested in joining our Repairs and Empty Homes Group, fill in our simple online form and we'll get back to you soon.