Antisocial behaviour (ASB) at one of our sheltered housing schemes - that has been causing residents distress for the last six months - has been resolved thanks to the hard work and perseverance of two staff members.

Janine Healy, Senior Antisocial Behaviour Specialist, and Nadine Newell, Sheltered Services Specialist, have been working together to resolve the issue since the end of 2019 when a new resident moved into the scheme.

The resident was responsible for noise and nuisance ASB with frequent visitors at all hours of the night. It was also obvious that he was not living in the home on his own, but that he was allowing other people to stay there too, which is not allowed under his tenancy.

Residents also reported drug misuse and the possibility of drug dealing from the home.

The police were called and this resulted in an elderly customer being threatened as she was accused of going to the police.

Nadine has worked closely with complainants at the scheme tirelessly filling in diary sheets and taking statements from everyone.

Janine ensured the process was followed and the resident received four warning letters.

Despite the fact we went into lockdown Janine and Nadine continued the process and the resident was served with a Section 21 notice as the ASB was continuing, despite many warnings.

Due to the seriousness of the ASB and the delays in obtaining a possession order due to Covid-19, an injunction was applied for as the ASB was continuing. Nadine submitted a witness statement on behalf of residents who were too frightened to do it themselves, for fear of retribution.

Before the hearing Nadine worked out a way for witnesses to sign their statements electronically as we were in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Two telephone court hearings took place in May and June and the judge granted the orders which will remain in place for 12 months. The perpetrators could be arrested if found to be in the vicinity of the sheltered scheme, including the external and internal communal areas.

The order has been in place since the beginning of June and so far all has been quiet and is working as we hoped.

Possession proceedings are running concurrently but if the injunction is successful in the long term and the ASB discontinues, further legal proceedings will be reviewed before applying to court to evict the tenant.