My Account

Looking for social or affordable housing?

We're a charitable housing association, we own and manage more than 6,500 homes in the Wycombe district.

Looking for a new home is an exciting time. We'd really love for your next move to be to one of our homes. So, whether you’re looking for social or affordable housing, to buy a property, or seeking sheltered accommodation, market rental or shared ownership, we offer a range of homes and tenancies to suit you.

Find a home
A family packing moving home boxes

Give us your feedback: compliments, complaints, comments

Your feedback is what helps us to be the best housing association we can be. Feedback can come in the form of a compliment, complaint or general comment – but whatever it is that you want to tell us, we're here to listen and do something about it. By giving us positive feedback, you let us know where we're performing well and giving you a good service.

Latest news & blogs

Tenants and trainers pose for a group photo
24 March 2025

Tenants take first steps into digital world at successful training session

Tenants joined us in the office in March, to attend another digital training session ran alongside Age Concern.

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Kbt Logo (1)
18 March 2025

We’re joining the Great British Spring Clean!

We'll be getting out and about in our community for this year's Great British Spring Clean.

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Real Estate 6688945 1280 (1)
10 March 2025

Homes reclaimed for families in need

We’re committed to ensuring that our homes go to those who need them.

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Looking for something else?

Events Carousel

Check out our upcoming events and training courses

Full list
Supporting You 404X202

The rise in the cost of living is at the front of everyone's minds at the moment.

Find support
Mould on an interior wall [Photo: Amanda Slater - used under CC BY-SA 2.0]

Tell us if you're concerned about damp, mould or condensation in your home.

Report damp, mould or condensation
Join Us graphic - a laptop, mouse, mobile phone, stationery and pot plant

We have ambitious plans for our future, and to get there, we need your input.

Find out more about Red Kite membership
An ambulance racing down a street - by Ian Taylor -

Need to get hold of someone fast? Here's a list of useful numbers and links.

Emergency contacts
Handing Over Keys

Planning to move out, or acting for someone going into care or who has passed away? Find out how to return a home to us.

Ending a tenancy
Cold Weather

When the weather turns colder, it's important to take the right action to protect and maintain your home

Read our advice
Homepage Second Carousel Report It

Spotted something that needs our attention? Let us know and our team will investigate.

How to make a report

Manage your home

If you live in one of our homes, there are a number of services that we'll provide to you.

It's our mission to provide excellent services, not only to you as our tenants but to the community as a whole. In this section of our website you can find out more information about the specific services we provide.

Your home
A family

Current vacancies

Here at Red Kite, we have a comprehensive training programme in place as we want to help our staff progress and be the best they can be. We're keen to invest in the right candidates and help them gain the skills needed to make our team unique, diverse, and able to help us achieve the high standards our tenants expect.